The importance of Progesterone in a cycle

Shared from Dr. Amy Beckley’s instagram, @Infertile_Scientist

In this conversation, Amy talks about the importance of progesterone. She also talks about how important it is to do as much research yourself as you can about your body, then sitting down with your doctor to discuss your findings.

If you would like more information about the @proovtest, drop Amy and her team a DM.

In the meantime, @proovtest have shared these facts with us….(if you would like the links to the studies that these facts are from, drop us a DM)

-1 in 5 couples are being diagnosed with unexplained infertility(UI)

-Most UI cases are being directed towards IVF

-One of the main causes of UI is ovulatory disorders leading to little or no progesterone

-Progesterone is traditionally measured in blood one single time, 7 days after the expected ovulation.

-Progesterone is a hormone that fluctuates a lot in blood, therefore one single test is not diagnostic and is like a snapshot in time.

-The urinary metabolite of progesterone is a better marker because it gives more of an average of the levels registered in blood during the previous 24 hours.

-Low progesterone impacts uterine environment and lining receptivity-leading to lack of implantation or early miscarriage.

-Latest NICE guidelines recommend progesterone administration for all women who are at risk of miscarriage, had a miscarriage or experienced bleeding in early pregnancy.

-Progesterone administration in women at risk of miscarriage could save 8500 babies per year in the UK alone

We would love to know, if prior to starting IVF due to unexplained infertility, you had your progesterone levels tested?

#progesterone #progesteronetesting #unexplainedinfertility #infertility #fertilitytest


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